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Page History: Adventures in Home Barbering

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Page Revision: 2008/09/04 16:50

Pat got a new "home barber kit" on Ebay to eliminate the inconvenience of having to go to the barber shop. Under duress, Kim was appointed the "home barber". We just finished our second haircutting session and Kim thought it went pretty well....just in time for Pat's big presentations to all of Microsoft's top customers in North America and Europe this week. Why don't you have a look for yourself. Please see the "nice haircut" first (symmetrical, close); and then, check out the "oops".
This is how it should look

This is how it should look

Oops...Oh and I have a meeting with Jim Allchin in the morning...

Oops...Oh and I have a meeting with Jim Allchin in the morning...

Rookie error: Not replacing the "length guard" after shaving pat's neckline. The first pass-through was quite a shock.

Now, if you'll all please respond with an appropriate introduction for Pat's presentations this week. Something like "..Don't let your wife cut your hair when she's angry..." Remember, we want to disarm them with humor, not the insanity of a haircut gone horribly wrong.

The presentations start Tuesday.

Of course Mike Visaya couldn't leave well enough alone and had to comb through his college archives to respond with this photo and email:
Oh, those college memories!

Oh, those college memories!

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