I enjoy woodworking. Well I enjoy spending time in the workshop. Due to time constraints I am very slow. Very very slow. At my current rate of production I have projects queued up for several years.
 Fir and Cherry Bookshelf |
I've been working on this bookshelf for about a year now for the room we call the library. Kim is growing impatient. Here you see it at its current state of completion as of mid-December 2003. It's from a plan in Fine Woodworking. Maybe you recognize it, it was on the cover. It is cherry and fir. I cheated and used 1/2" fir plywood for the panels, but I did get some nice recycled old growth fir for the shelves.
Here is the finished product (hooray):
 The Finished Product |
I also made some banks for Elizabeth and her cousins. They have old combination post office box doors (got em on Ebay). Just so I don't forget them, the combinations are HGB, EVH, and EVA (or something like that). Elizabeth's bank is cherry with maple inlaid dovetails. Those in the know will recognize this as a giveaway that the Leigh D4 dovetail jig was used. Finish is boiled linseed oil, shellac, and paste wax.
 You can put it in the bank |
Her cousins' banks were made with padouk and maple inlays. Same finish. Thought I kept some pictures of them but I can't find them. Too bad, the padouk is stunning.
 Cathy's Shelf |
 Another Angle |
Check out the semi-boring white shelf I made for Catherine's room, and the
Kiosk PC I made with Rick Stover's walnut.
Some pictures of the shop. This is its usual state of disarray. About once every 3 months or so I clean it up a bit, but the workbench is pretty much a perpetual black hole.
 Gotta build a proper bench soon |
 Table saw, jointer, dust collector |
 Bandsaw |
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