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Page Revision: 2008/09/11 16:40

To my horror, the port called the other day to inform me that they put a clamp on Aeolus' power cord and detected a 90 milliamp current leak. They've just finished rebuilding all of the docks and have a newfound commitment to compliance with electrical codes. I'm all for this as who wants electrolysis eating their propeller away? Especially not me, considering I just dropped over $3,000 on a new MaxProp folding propeller a few months ago!

Emerald City Diving had just done a flyby a few weeks ago and found my zincs down 50% after only 3 months, so I guess I do have a problem in my own house to resolve.

I promptly cracked open my copies of Nigel Calder's Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual and Don Casey's Sailboat Electrics Simplified to figure out how to put my trusty multimeter on the job to track down the offending circuit.

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